Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 08 – Favorite blogs

I keep up with so many blogs, I'm happy I use Bloglovin' to keep track of them all! I have many favorites in different categories. In order by category and from most favorite to not-as-favorite are:
Elsie Larson writes about everything, from DIY decor and treats to everyday life and How-To posts to clothes and her vintage shop, Red Velvet. I admire her because of this, her creativity, and her upbeat, feminine look and personality. If you like pumpkin pie milkshakes, vintage anything, personal style, and DIY, I highly recommend checking this blog out.

Keiko Lynn writes about her everyday life and personal style as well as hair and make up tutorials and some upcoming things from her store, Postlapsaria, every now and again. I like her posts because she lets you into bits of her life without giving out every detail. Definitely bookmark her blog if you're into personal style blogs as well.

(More blogs about motherhood, tattoos, food, and interior design after the jump.)

Danielle is a high school English teacher turned stay-at-home mom that writes about her everyday life, being a mom, and feature posts such as Tattoo Tuesday, where she features tattoos on her friends and other bloggers, and 9 to 5: Women at Work, where she features women with awesome (and busy!) careers. To me, this blog exudes feminine equality without getting all "super feminist I-am-woman-hear-me-roar". A great blog for mommies and mommies-to-be, tattoo enthusiasts, Susie Homemakers, and those seeking a little feminine empowerment.

Emma, sister of Elsie Larson, writes about food recipes, personal style, books, and you guessed it, everyday life. Most of her recipes are for baked goods and treats, but she has lots of healthy-ish snack, light lunch and dinner recipes as well! I personally can't wait to try making her Arugula and Cheddar Strata. Great blog for looking for hot meal recipes and vintage / unique outfit ideas.

Anne makes everything from baked goods to big dinners to snacks and lunches. I can't count how many recipes of hers I've bookmarked to try! Her recipes use the metric system, which can sometimes be difficult for US Americans, but if you have a converter than you'll be fine. Every dish I've tried making myself while following her recipe has been amazing too, like the Shrimp Pad Thai, and the Lime Salmon with Tomatoes. She even has handy drop down menus on the right of her blog divided by category to help you find the recipe you're looking for! One of the best food blogs out there.

Inspirational Homes a.k.a. Interior Porn
It's only a tumblr and I don't know who this girl is, but it's basically just a bunch of pictures of interior decorating that she liked. I love this one because even though that's basically all it is, it's like a muse board made up of interior styles of which most I love. Not a lot of words, just pictures of gorgeous homes. If you're more of a picture person that's into interior design, look through this blog.

Ashlina Kaposta is an interior designer, stylist, and all around career woman that writes about her everyday life, fashion, interiors that she's worked on, and upcoming interior design trends. All of her posts are all about glitz and glam, but I love her taste in interior styles. If you love lots of color, femininity, and glamour, then check out her blog!

Those are my absolute favorite blogs, different kinds that show a little more about who I am. I hope you enjoy these blogs as much as I do!

What kinds of blogs are you into? :)

All photos from their bloggers / blogs.

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