In December, I watched a bunch of healthy food documentaries. They're all vegan documentaries, and they helped me finally kick start my vegan change. Here are some of the best ones!
Forks over Knives
This is probably one of the ultimate movies there are that will make you go vegan! It's not a slaughter movie, but explains the health benefits of going vegan over eating meat on a more scientific level using the findings of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn and T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. I highly recommend this one for the more health-oriented or intellectual type.
The Engine 2 Kitchen Rescue
This is kind of a sequel to Fork over Knives made by Rip Esselstyn, the firefighter son of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, one of the scientists in the first movie. In this one, he goes over how to start making the change by giving you examples of great food choices, simple recipes, and information on which foods has the nutrients we need. The information is super helpful, plus he's not bad to look at. lol
(2 more super helpful healthy food documentaries after the jump!)